Micromanagement and it’s terrible consequences

Nowadays, project managers at lots of IT companies are busy with micromanagement and surveillance after employees, instead of handling the real project management stuff and troubleshooting such issues, as deadlines, team motivation and projects’ successful management.
This has two main reasons in my opinion:
1. The “climate” at the company is not serious, the chief staff is hiring managers for surveillance after employees instead of having a serious attitude to projects’ realization, motivated colleagues and happy clients.
2. The company hires managers in not a professional way, paying attention only to technical skills and ignoring the interpersonal behavior and convictions.
The negative results won’t keep you waiting long: after one year you will see leaving good specialists, unmotivated staff, chaotic implementation of tasks, rumors and hypocritical behavior among team members.
Such micromanagers, instead of requiring from employees great results, are controlling their minutes and seconds, spending time in front of the PC, and are happy when the team is simulating, that they care for their responsibilities.
After some time, the motivation is equal to zero (even if the salary is high), employees are looking for another job, pretending, that they are busy with something serious, sitting in front of the PC at work, and after all you lose people who aimed to be useful for the company and, of course, you get negative reviews from your clients.
So what you can do for avoiding such negative consequences
– trust your employees
– require only results in time
– give the freedom to act
– motivate with private and friendly conversations
– be the right person who can deal the employees with
– differentiate management and micromanagement aspects
– respect your employees’ schedule
– give them a great salary
– Take actions, not empty-promising expressions.
The positive results will appear the same day.
Every employee inside needs something more, besides salary, such as trust and proper psychological manager-employee contact.

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Posted by Edgar Hovhannisyan

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